Which meant he had to make a stop in the city meaning I had another opportunity to go. So I got up Sunday morning and hopped in my uber on my way to Oakland airport. Unfortunately for my timing S.F. had a marathon going on. This made the drive take a little longer to get over to the airport. Stressing that I was going to miss some good weather (the fog was in full effect over the city) I remembered this mantra that has seemed to always work well for me with photography. Which is everything happens for a reason. Once we took off and made our way through the bay over to the Golden Gate bridge this saying proved true for me once again.
Having some fog still rolling in with the bright sun overhead I was able to make some photos that I was really happy with. For me it is more about aiming to create a timeless photo vs. a contemporary one. With S.F. having such a rich history in it's community as well as architecture (obviously speaking of pre-tech implosion) I felt as if I wanted to do the city justice with my pictures. Only time will tell if I did so. Feel free to check out the images below and thanks again Copter Pilot for the lift!

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