To celebrate its 100th anniversary, the creatives over at 99designs have decided to recreate iconic logos using Bauhaus’ signature aesthetics.
Giving some of today’s most recognizable insignias a minimalistic redesign, each new revamped logo pays homage to the German art school founded by Walter Gropius in 1919. Included in the project are logos from Apple, adidas, Google, BMW, Burger King, Domino’s, Netflix, Ferrari, and more, each made over using simple geometric shapes, muted colors and revolutionary typography.
“This project really demonstrates the long-lasting, global impact that Bauhaus has had on artists all over the world,” Patrick Llewellyn, CEO of 99designs said. “The work featured has been created by designers in more than 10 countries from Argentina, Guatemala and the US, to Russia, Latvia and the UK.” He added, “It’s easy to draw parallels with people’s anxiety around things like automation and artificial intelligence today, but it’s inspiring to see how technology can bring together a global community of creative talent and demonstrate how the timeless principles of Bauhaus design still resonate today.” Head over to 99Designs to read more about the project.
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